My Mom says that when I was little, instead of saying “I’m bored” I’d say “Mommy, I’m boring.” This week my cats would agree with me. I can see it in their eyes.
I’ve had a few days off work thanks to July 4th falling on a Wednesday, and between that and the heat I’ve been home a lot more than usual. Of course instead of cleaning or working my way down a list of “to-dos,” I’m on Facebook, sleeping and trying to do the online dating thing for 15 minutes a day.*
During above said activities, I’d catch all three cats staring at me as if waiting to be entertained. It’s making me feel guilty. And a little nervous.
Thankfully, the pet industry has finally recognized Cat Boredom (also know as CB) as the serious epidemic it is. In the past it was all about blaming the pet parent, “It’s in her head, that’s just what cats do,” or “He needs to spend more quality time with the cats.”
The cure for this pervasive condition? The Boredom Buster Kit. And we’ve got 50 of ’em to give out for free, so stay tuned! SORRY GIVEAWAY IS OVER! (feel free to read on to feel my online dating pain!)
As an advertising executive with cat(s) I’ve gotta say Purina – with the help of their advertising and PR partners – has the market cornered when it comes to creative ways to engage cat parents. Those iPad games for cats had me ready to run out and buy an iPad!But seeing as they passed me over for Cat Chow Correspondent, and Petie hasn’t graced a bag of cat food (diet of course), I’d say there’s room for improvement! 🙂
This time they’ve created a campaign for Friskies Party Mix around CB featuring Chris Parnell. The funniest part of the campaign in my opinion are the outtakes with Chris Parnell (esp #1), and the fair balance copy (the “legal” caveats) in the “PSA. They’ve even got a “Caretaker Support” program with games to keep the human’s entertained.
Okay, so the Boredom Buster Kit comes with a sample of Friskies Party Mix and a puzzle feeder. The first 50 people who follow the instructions below get a Boredom Buster Kit for their kitty! (US Residents Only – SORRY!).
To win you must be one of the first 50 people to do the follow (you must follow directions to qualify!). SORRY THE GIVEAWAY IS OVER! (but feel free to email me and say “hi”!)
- Send an email to ihavecat(at)gmail(dot)com with:
- “End CB” in the subject line
- Your mailing address
NOTE: The folks at Purina are providing the Boredom Buster Kits but I am not being reimbursed in any way for this post!

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