Wendy Diamond of Animal Fair is single animal lover living in NYC – just like me. Unlike me, she’s a pet lifestyle specialist who’s been featured on the TODAY Show (among many others). She’s both a dog and cat lady, and has long been planning her pup Lucky’s wedding.
Lucky was to be wed at the Essex House in an extravagant wedding fit for the Guinness World Book of Records – a for a good cause. Everything would be donated, and proceeds from ticket sales would go to the Humane Society of NYC.
But sadly, Lucky passed away unexpectedly, and Wendy’s foster Pup Hope was thrust into the spotlight to carry the torch. The search for a worthy groom was on, and all by July 12th!
The moment I saw Hope at BlogPaws with Wendy I couldn’t stop thinking of Petie. They have the same markings and coloring. They say couples end up looking like one another anyway, and Petie comes with his own tux so how perfect was this?!
New York City is a liberal place, if they allow same sex marriage, surely inter-species marriage wouldn’t raise a brow. Plus, Petie’s new job as an attorney for Katie (of Glogirly fame) would allow him to keep Hope in the lifestyle to which she had been accustomed.
But the more I thought about it, the more apparent it became that while a match physically, Petie and Hope had no future together. Known for being skittish and painfully shy, there’s no doubt Petie would get cold feet and leave Hope at the alter.
As the eldest brother, it was Kip’s duty to step in. Plus he looks so dashing in a top hat don’t you think? Voting ends today, and I think a cat and dog union would be a super neat message to send to society at large, and particularly within the animal rescue community.
I’m at fault for it too. I meet someone and ask “Oh, are you a cat or dog person?” We need not think of ourselves as “cat” or “dog” people but rather ANIMAL PEOPLE! How better to represent this union than a wedding between feline and a canine?
7.9.12 update: Kip made it into the top 10! He’s the only cat in the wedding party. I’m making a flat Kip and we are going to a wedding at the Essex House this Thursday! Stay tuned!
So if you would take a moment to vote for Kip today (7/6) before 5pm EST we would be most grateful. Just click on this link and follow the instructions below.
“Friend” the pageScroll down the pageHit “friend” and you should see Kip!Vote!
If we can get him into the top 10, he has a chance of becoming Hope’s bride. And then my cat will have gotten married before me. Seriously? You can’t make this stuff up

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