What could be better in honor of the 4th of July than a ridiculously cute foster kitten sporting red-white-and-blue-flair? Nothing.But coming in at second place, a celebration of all the cat stuff the New World has to offer!
When I first decided to write a post dedicated to cat related products made and assembled in the U.S.A., I worried my choices would be limited (I do have standards after all). Thankfully my concerns were beyond misplaced.
Kudos to the companies listed below, for making the extra effort to craft their wares in our country – and in some cases the great state of New York! Book mark this page now people!
Above from left to right, going clockwise (that’s to your right btw): Sweet Pickles Designs collar (run by a staff of 3 very busy people in Portland, OR), Moderncat Studio
(Phoenix, AZ) felt roller cat toys & catnip ModKickers and Shakers and the Eco-Friendly ”Mouse” Organic Catnip Toy
by West Paw Designs.
I was super impressed by the cat and dog feeder company Coburns Exclusive based out of Nashville, TN (below). I’d be proud to display these fine modern cat feeders in my apartment (hint hint!).
When asked where their products are manufactured, Coburn Gullen him(?)self replied, “All made in-house by an American! Long Live our Furry Friends.”
To sweeten the pot, you can save 15% on ALL purchase for the next 48 hours! Just enter FURRYFOURTH at check out!
Below, from left to right you’ll find:
brought to you by Whisker Studio . I’d be remiss not to mention the stylish, cat-approved scratcher from our very own Kate Benjamin of Modern Cat Studio (P.S. she was on last Sunday’s episode of “My Cat From Hell!” with Jackson Galaxy!). And last but not least (lower right), the Ultimate Cat Scratch Loungers from Brawny Cat.
One of my personal favorites from a personal aesthetic though I’ve yet to review their products in real life ***cries inwardly***, is ModPet based out of Queens, NY (below). In addition to their Jetson-like food bowls, their mini sofas and chaise lounges take the cake!
What about things for humans (2-legged) you say? Fear not. We’ve got Made in the USA cat t-shirts. Personally, I’ve never succeeded in incorporating the printed t-shirt into my repertoire. I think it must be a lack of appropriate shoes? Regardless, we’ve got the perfect MADE IN THE USA round-up for you!
First up, Meow.com cat t-shirts with an array of styles and slogans (two examples below). And, from now through July 11th, you’ll get 20% OFF on all meow.com clothing items (including SALE items!) by entering “USA” at check out!
MORE t-shirts you say?!What about the unconventional collection below. Clockwise from left to right: Cookie the Tortie, by Bernadette Kazmarski, Real Men Love Cats (only men’s t-shirts are made in the U.S.A. at this time), Mister Mittens’ Big Adventure (threadless.com) and I Got Another Whale (threadless.com).
Okay guys, hope you enjoyed this “Made in the USA” post and file it away for reference down the road. Let me know of other cat products born domestically not included here and I’ll look into them!
If you haven’t voted for my handsome first “born” Kipper yet, please do take a moment to do so. He’s competing against DOGS, all in the name of fundraising for the NY Humane Society. Voting instructions: Click this link to vote for Kip, “Like” the page, scroll down and hit “friend” and you should see a sepia-tone old-timey photo of him!
On another note, did you know today is Pimp – from Your Daily Cute‘s – Birthday! He’s THIRTEEN! I have no clue how many human years that is – do you? Just for fun, here are photos of Pimp and Moo from last year’s celebration! HAPPY BDAY BOYS! Mwah from NYC!

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