Today’s post is a continuation of “The Last 24,” in which I recount 24 hours in a seemingly uneventful weekend (which ends up involving a “spring fling,” cat women and an animal loving guy who may – or may not- be married). In a nutshell, today’s post will certainly make more sense if you read Part I first!
When we spoke last, I’d had a few cocktails, and relieved I hadn’t consumed dog biscuits, had gone to bed and fallen into a deep sleep.
11am the next morning: An unrecognizable number on my Blackberry wakes me. I briefly consider ignoring it, but being the curious (cat) I am, cannot resist.
Me: “Hel – yawn– lo?”
Caller: ““Hi Tamar, It’s Jackson!”
Me: “Oh…hiiii…?” (Think to myself) “Who is this? Jackson? I don’t know any Jacksons. Wait…what day is it? Shit, it’s Saturday. Shit shit shit it’s May 12th!”
I jump out of bed with such force, that Kip is catapulted off. It’s Jackson Galaxy from Animal Planet’s “My Cat From Hell”* calling me for an interview to promote his new book “Cat Daddy!” To make matters worse, I hadn’t read his book. As Homer Simpson would say, “Doh.”
Doing my best to recover and ask educated-sounding questions, I can only hope my sleepiness and surprise are not too noticeable. Admitting the truth is too embarrassing though he seems like a sympathetic laid-back dude who’d just laugh it off.
NOTE: In my defense, the interview had been rescheduled about 3 times by that point.
We say our goodbyes and I realize I’ve got only 30 minutes to shower and pack before my sister picks me up to go visit my parents. I shut my laptop – on which I’d been taking notes furiously – and dash to the closet to grab a suitcase.**
That’s when I see it.
Frequent readers of I HAVE CAT are familiar with my laments about my chunky cat Petie’s lack of weight loss despite his Rx food regime. Mystery solved.
I’d received a shipment of Chihuahua food in error, and was waiting for the company to tell me what to do with it. In the meantime, taped it up as best I could – obviously not well enough – and put it in the back of the downstairs closet under two other boxes.
So it seems that while I’ve been acting as cafeteria police ensuring Petie doesn’t cheat on his diet, schlepping to the vet for special food, and paying the cat sitter double to come for morning and evening feedings. The cats are having an all-you-can-eat midnight buffet in the closet!
Later that day: After dinner with my parents, during which tales of the day were shared, I decide to take a look at my interview notes. That’s when I see it. Laptop drained. Notes gone.
Yup, I’d failed to actually save the word document. As if the interview had never taken place. I could have slept in. Double “Doh.”
I’m not gonna lie, “Cat Daddy” is still sitting on my bedside table. I’m sure I shouldn’t be admitting that, but the truth just shoots outta me (often to my detriment).
Jackson’s folks were kind enough to give me an extra copy of his book for a give away, which we held last week. And the winner of that giveaway is……Commenter #32, “Skogitta.” Email me at ihavecat(at) by July 4th to claim your prize. And, if you finish the book before I do, feel free to submit a book review for consideration!
footnotes: * I firmly believe the name of the show should be “Cat Owners From Hell.” As a therapist once told me. There is no such thing as child psychology, only parent psychology. ** In what I believed to be a moment of brilliance, I purchased new hard-case suitcases for the first time in my life. At least they won’t end up looking like scratching posts right? Well, yes and no. I forgot about static cling (!!).

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