I’ve long wanted to write a “Best of I Have Cat” post, and since I can’t fall asleep now seems as good a time as any!
So whether you’re a long-time reader or a brand new fan, I hope you enjoy taking a (second) look at the 5 IHC posts with the most traffic since our redesign a little over a year ago.*
1) 11 Tips for a Safe & Stylish Kitty Home: Seven years and three cats in, I’m still learning ways to keep my brood safe while keeping a fashion-forward (and hopefully guy-friendly apartment). In this post I share some of the life and sanity saving tips.
2) Capturing Cats: Simple ways to improve your pet pics without the need for fancy equipment.
3) Cat Versus Human: My interview of the creative, funny and hip cat woman Yasmine Surovec who recently published her first book!
4) 10 Ways Cats Are Like (Furless) Kids: I think this one speaks for itself.
5) Interview: John Fulton of Must Love Cats: Like the title says 🙂
*Sadly I have no way of knowing the all time most popular posts of all time
And because I found it amusing, a few images that popped up on Google images when i searched “Best Of.”
And the most confusing and random “Best Of” photo from the first page of Google images, BARIHUNKS BEST OF 2011, from a blog dedicated to the best Baritone Hunks. At first I was afraid to post a link to it!

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