Though I live in NYC, many weekends have gone by leaving me feeling like I’ve done “nothing.” But on a recent Monday, while recounting my weekend non-activities to a friend, I was surprised at how eventful my weekend had been. Not one major event, but a few random ones all within 24 hours made for an interesting tale in retrospect. I thought it would be fun to share with you because of course, it involves cats (and a guy….kind of).
A few weeks ago when a friend offered me a ticket to an animal fundraiser at The National Arts Club located on Gramercy Park, I jumped at the chance.
Not only because it was for the animals and I might meet an animal loving man, but because I’d long wanted to get inside that private club situated on one of the toniest block in the city. The National Art’s Club is a historic and exclusive joint. Just check out excerpts from their “Inappropriate attire” list as posted on their website (
- Leggings, stirrup pants, capri pants [When is the last time anyone evoked the term “stirrup pants”? For me I think it was the mid 80s]
- Sweatshirts, sweatpants, or jogging suits [In all fairness perhaps they had lots folks showing up in Juicy Couture TEN years ago. Or they’ve had an influx of Russians and Eastern Europeans members?]
- Denim of any type or in any color, including dresses, shirts, skirts, vests and/or slacks [You’ve gotta love the inclusion of “vests” in this list. Very 70s]
- Spandex or Lycra garments [The fact they didn’t merely say “no workout/gym clothing” has me fearful they’re referring to street wear of some sort.]
Ribbing aside, I couldn’t wait to stride up to those doors I’d passed by for over ten years and walk right in.
Night of the “Spring Fling” @ National Art’s Club
FRIDAY 5:30pm
I was wrapping things up at work when I decided to do Google last year’s “Spring Fling” fundraiser to see what was in store for me. It quickly became evident that my cute summer dress paired with J. Crew flats while not considered “inappropriate attire,” wasn’t gonna cut it. A second opinion from a co-worker confirmed my fear. I would have to go home and dress up.
Luckily I’d recently purchased a sequined black Jessica Simpson number from TJ Maxx (who doesn’t love a bargain!) but they called for black heels. Unbelievable as it may seems, I didn’t own a pair (it’s a miracle they let me stay on the island!). Thankfully a shop near work by the name of “Shoegasem” (I shit you not) had a patent heel that fit the bill.
FRIDAY 7:35pm
Walking to the “Spring Fling” it dawns on me that an all black outfit may not have been the best choice given the theme. Oh well, too late now, guess I’ll be the “artsy” one.

check out these hot girls
At the entrance I meet up with my friend Lisa Alexander, actress and animal advocate, looking lovely in a jewel tone green (see photo above). Since she knows everyone, I’m whisked into several conversations with people I don’t know during which I smile, nod politely, and scan the room for the bar.
Just as I’m sure a drink is in my near future, Lisa insists on introducing me to some Richard person. He seems nice enough, you might even say he’s cute but on the shy side. But I couldn’t help feeling I’d seen him someplace before. Then it hit me – it’s THE Richard from the Today Show pet rescue segments with Jill Rappaport (“Bow to Wow” and “Meow to Wow”).
I’d always wondered about the the handsome man given he obviously lived in the area, was an animal lover and never sported a wedding ring. ASIDE: I never believed it when people told me as I got older I’d be able to spot a ring on a man from a mile away but it’s true. It must be some god-given gift that is bestowed upon us on our 30th birthdays.
How YOU doin’? (I said to myself and not out loud thankfully).
And then my the looks of the photo below, I tried to make an impression on him through the use of some sort of cat-clawing-type-motions? Regardless it must have worked because cards were exchanged.
Later in the evening I’d hear rumor that he may be married, but I’ve yet to confirm or deny that claim. Should it turn out he is in fact married I’ll have to consider making a citizen’s arrest on the grounds of False Advertising. Seriously, married men should do us all a favor and wear the ring.
FRIDAY 9:15pm
Walking back from the bar with my second…or was it third, “greyhound” (the drink of the evening made with vodka and fresh grapefruit juice yum!) I brush past a tall striking brunette and do a double take. Staring at her, my mouth hanging open, the synapses in my brain were firing madly trying to place her. Finally the name “Stephanie” flies out of my mouth and thankfully I’m right.
I’ve known of Stephanie Mattera, spokesperson for the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, from Facebook so it was great to meet her in person (she’s the one wearing blue in the photo above). Thankfully she recognizes me too.
Just then I see the petite blond whose absolutely adorable pale pink dress I’d been eying all night start walking in my direction. Shit, were my stares that obvious? I figured I’m busted (or maybe she’s going to ask me out?), but nope, turns out she’s been eyeing my dress all night (Thanks Jessica!)!
I find out her name is Kylie Edmond, and she’s the co-founder of an amazing organization called “Rock & Rawhide” (that’s Kylie above with her rescue pup Snickers). Her group’s mission is to increase adoption of animals in kill shelters by providing them with toys to help reduce their stress and therefore be better behaved so they’re better candidates for adoption.
Is that awesome or what?!
FRIDAY 9:58pm
By this point in the evening I’ve met enough amazing women for one night (I swear it happens every time I go out) and am ready to go home.
Feeling peckish as I wait for Lisa at coat check I dig into the vegan chocolate chip cookies I was handed on the way out as a favor. They’re on the dry side but I’m hungry so I power on (you get used to it after a few).
FRIDAY 10:06 pm
OMG I ATE DOG COOKIES! Back at home I go online to see if any photos of the event have been posted only to read someone mention the parting gift of “gourmet dog cookies”! That explained why they were so dry!
I frantically texted Lisa who calmly reminded me that they couldn’t be dog treats if they had chocolate in them. Ah yes, true that.
So with mind at ease and a tummy full of greyhounds and vegan cookies, I fall into bed and go to sleep.
Okay folks, I’m over a thousand words at this point and I haven’t even gotten past Friday night! The events of the following day will have to come in a subsequent post. Suffice to say it involves Jackson Galaxy and my discovery of why Petie has been gaining weight on his diet!

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