I don’t usually post these sorts of things but the plight of this soon-to-be-homeless New York City cat caught my eye. Not only because he’s so good-natured and handsome, but because his name is Max. This is the third Max to enter my life in the past few months. I have to believe there’s something to it….
#3 Max who needs a home by Friday April 13th
*** Update: Max found a home thanks to the amazing IHC Facebook fans! He even has his own Facebook account! ***
This sweet boy Max needs a new home after 8 years at his current one before this Friday April 13th. If you live near NYC and can foster or adopt him please email scarpat2(at)att.net or check out this link for more details.
He’s a tabby with medium length fur who is current on shots, declawed on his front paws and a total love bug. A great catch for sure! His current family is in a difficult place given health concerns but they love Max very much and want a good home for him.
#2 Max The Converter
If you’re a regular of this blog you know I didn’t grow up with animals unless you count goldfish and one hamster by the name of Tigger who may or may not have met an early demise.Growing up I thought my Mom had allergies but as an adult it seems it’s my Dad who is allergic (rather suspicious if you ask me).
Well, it seems a neighbor’s new rescue kitty, by the name of Max, has been making some progress where my sister and I were unsuccessful. He has the distinct honor of being the first cat to ever set foot in any piece of real-estate owned by my parents! Max pays a visit every day around cocktail hour and I’m starting to think my parents look forward to it.
Old man Max had been declawed on all four paws (!!!) and deposited at the kill shelter after 14 years with the same family. A very persistent I HAVE CAT fan (you know who you are Lu Anne) wouldn’t leave me alone about this cat who’d ended up at the Brooklyn A.C.C.
Lucky for Max, I decided to check email before hitting the sack after a company party. Let this be a warning to you all. Drinking + animals in need = Committing to things you don’t think will actually happen.
Let’s just say the next day at work the folks from the A.C.C called me asking where Max should be delivered. He went from death row to the lap of luxury living in Yonkers with a sweet Korean War Veteran named Bob.
So there you have it. The Max triumvirate. I hope together we can help Max #3 find a forever home like his predecessors. Let’s go I HAVE CAT peeps! We can do it, I know we can!
Do you or have you had a special Max in YOUR life? Tell us about him (or her?) and fee free to post a photo on the I HAVE CAT Facebook page – we just surpassed 19,000 fans!

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