I always wondered what I’d be when I grew up. As a little girl, when asked the question I’d respond “A ballerina, teacher, mom, fireman….” the list went on. People found it cute, endearing even.
As a freshman in college I used to babysit during the summer months. After receiving $10 for 4 hours of torture, one of the parents asked if I’d declared a major. I hadn’t and so began listing all the possibilities in consideration – history, music, theater, political science. “Oh,” she said with what I swear was a smirk. “Jack of all trades, master of none.”
Not so endearing anymore.
In that moment she’d seen straight into me and exposed one of my biggest fears. That I didn’t know myself would therefore never know what I wanted to be. In retrospect her reaction said more about her own regrets and insecurities than me.
But even now, a person or situation can unknowingly trip a wire in my brain that kicks that 23 year-old cassette tape into “play.” And it sounds as clear, and stings as much as the day I first heard it.
I never did declare a major but thanks to a creative college advisor, I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a BA in International Studies.
Fast-forward four years and I’m starting my career as an Account Manager in the world of New York City Advertising. Account Management requires knowing just enough about the various disciplines within an advertising agency to speak about them intelligently with clients and manage the process internally. Jack-of-all-trades master of none.
The truth is that working in advertising’s not for the faint of heart. It’s definitely not the career if you want to rake in the dough or work 9am– 5pm (more like 9am – 9pm). The Monster.com spoof below does a nice job capturing the industry. Suffice to say it ain’t no Mad Men.
If you don’t see the video below click on this link to view.
Like anyone else, there are mornings I find it difficult to tear myself away from the comforts of my cozy bed. But one look at my kitties and know I have to motivate to bring home the kibble. How could I turn my three fur-kids into financially contributing family members I wondered?
I’d already tried listing them as dependents on my Flexible Spending Account. No dice. And while Petie is a burgeoning internet sensation I’ve yet to see a penny.
The universe must have been listening because later that day while browsing the internet waiting on the creative (again), my eyes landed on the following quote that piqued my interest.
“My freeloading felines were costing me a fortune in Fancy Feast and kitty paraphernalia. I realized my kitties were not reaching their full potential. So I propelled them into the workforce.” Ann Dziemianowicz
Upon deeper examination I learned that the author of Careers for Your Cat, was a fellow Capricorn and illustrator Ann Boyaljian a fellow Armenian. This book had to be amazing.
Based on the Myers-Brigg’s personality test, Ann was inspired to create the Meowers-Briggs test during the recession when she had to pull her cats out of school put them to work. Okay, I may or may not have made up the part about being pulled out of school for dramatic effect.
I couldn’t wait to find out what profession was right for Kip, Petie and Haddie. I started envisioning Kippie as a super hero (though I ‘m not sure that pays), Haddie as a manicurist, and Petie as a Zen Master.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks when I’ll administer the Meowers-Briggs to my clowder and determine how much larger my tax rebate will be next year!
Oh, and in case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, I HAVE CAT catnip toys featuring Petie and I HAVE CAT iphone cases (4 & 4S) with me and Petie are now available for purchase!
*NOTE: The super kitty above was created by Carolina from Sweden, definitely check out her blog.

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