I’ve left my NYE post until the last-minute, and I’m running late to my friend’s dinner party so I’ll have to keep this short. I will do my best to write a proper post with my wishes for the new year etc within the week.
As 2011 draws to a close there are three defining moments that come to mind.
The first, a joyous one. The celebration of my 40th Birthday. I purchased a ball gown, had my hair and make-up done, hired a photographer and threw myself a big bash! It was the perfect evening. Actually, it was the perfect celebratory weekend I jokingly refer to as my three-day Indian wedding! It was one of the most joyous times I can remember. I was truly surrounded by love.
The other two markers of the year for me are solemn ones. The 10th Anniversary of 9/11, and the freak accident that took the life of Suzanne Hart a few short weeks ago.
Barely a day has passed since December 14th that I haven’t thought of Ms Hart. A single 41-year-old, she worked in the New Business Department at Young & Rubicam, one of original Mad Men-era advertising agencies that maintained its Madison Avenue address. She walked into the elevator at work on an unremarkable Wednesday morning not knowing it would be her last day on this planet.
Young & Rubicam is where I began my advertising career so many years ago as a member of the New Business Team. I rode those very same elevators. I currently work in New Business at an equally prestigious agency. She so easily could have been me. Or one of my friends.
I won’t call it a resolution. But in the New Year, I want to do a better job of recognizing what is good in my life. To recognize what I have rather than focus on what I “could of” or “should of” have. To appreciate the people in my life who love me and who are there for me. To feel like I did on my 40th Birthday more than just once a year.
Love to you all. I’m so grateful for my family and friends, and for their good health. The friends I’ve been fortunate enough to have in my life for 20+ years and those I’ve never even met in the flesh. The animal loving friends and those who don’t necessarily understand my love of cats, but who respect my love for them.
Happy 2012 to you all. And may we all be here next year to ring in 2013.
Tamar, Kip, Petie and Haddie (and Max in the bedroom who finally made a New Years Eve poo!).

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