Now that you have gifts for the wine-lover on your list all sorted, it’s on to the do-gooding cat lovers.
Do you have someone on your holiday list who loves cats but can’t have one because of allergies or building regulations? Maybe a friend who recently lost a kitty companion, or one that’s just plain old cat crazy? We have the perfect last-minute gift for you. A gift from Tabby’s Place!
Tabby’s Place is an amazing cat free cat sanctuary in New Jersey if you don’t know about them, read my post from last year. They have great gift options you can pick and purchase in a flash. Give the gift of virtual cat adoption (starting at $12/month) – you can select a particular cat to sponsor or make a donation in the name of a beloved pet ($25+). Or give virtual gift baskets and supplies to the cats that reside there!
Here’s how it works. Go to Tabby’s Place online gift catalog and select what you’d like to give. Your lucky friend or family member will receive an email or card alerting of their gift (you can also opt to have both sent). If you select a monthly sponsorship/virtual adoption, the recipient will receive monthly updates on “their” cat!
Here’s a video from my trip to Tabby’s Place this past summer with Dawn (Lola The Rescue Cat’s human) and Leslie (On All Fours Cat Sitting) among others (you can’t see us, only hear us! the stars are the kitties!).
A few photos from our trip.
Founder of Tabby’s Place Jonathan Rosenberg, with a tabby (naturally).
The wonderful Angela Townsend, Development Director, with her “desk” cat (they all get one!).
Me loving on Nuttin who is FIV+ and has diabetes (I wasn’t looking so cute and had to be cropped!).
Two happy kitties enjoying one of the many well-ventilated tunnels at Tabby’s Place.
As I sign off I leave you with a friendly reminder to make sure your home is cat-proofed for the holidays.
- Poinsettias and mistletoe are highly toxic to cats as are lily’s and a list of other flowers.
- Tinsel and other ribbons can cause internal damage that can result in thousands of dollars in medical bills and can lead to death.
- Don’t feed food scraps, you never know what’s in them that could be bad for kitty (like onions, grapes, raisins, tomatoes etc
If you aren’t sure, Google it. Better safe than sorry!

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