Asked to describe a cat’s personality recently, I rattled off a list of attributes not thinking much of it. Upon reflection however, I realized I’d described the average New Yorker.
Curious to see how far the similarities went, I compiled a list the likes of which you’ve never seen before (and affirmed why I live in NYC – with cats).
20 Traits Shared By Felines and New Yorkers
1. Opinionated.
2. Land on their feet. Usually.
3. Guarded, but once trust is earned will bare their soul – or belly.
4. Obsessed with shoes.
4. Nocturnal (I’m an exception).
6. Misunderstood, vilified even.
7. Polarizing.
8. Love boxes (studio apartment).
9. Are an acquired taste.
10. Have superiority complexes.
11. Believe – falsely – that they’re self-sufficient.
12. Non-conformist.
13. Act like they don’t care (but do).
14. Predators not prey.
15. Don’t pander, but tell it like it is.
16. Can’t be bothered with casual acquaintances.
17. Intolerant of mediocrity.
18. Don’t want to be in any club that wants them.
19. Territorial.
20. Finicky, particularly when it comes to food.*
Are there any I missed? It does make me wonder if I could come up with a similar list for dogs and Los Angeleans (is that a word?)…
*While on a tour of the Hills Science campus recently I learned that while dogs reject food based on taste, while a cat will reject it based on smell alone!*********************
Speaking of cats and New York…
As some of you know, I recently went on a vacation to Vieques PR with my friend Sharon and came back with a cat. A kitten actually. If you don’t yet know about Gracie, you can read about how she ended up in NYC here.
My friend Nancy summed it up well when she said, upon hearing the tale, “Some people go on vacation and hook-up. You come back with a cat. I guess it’s safer.”
I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone in PR and the FB universe who helped my friend Sharon and I bring her to the States. We raised $600 in less than 24 hours through a ChipIn! We raised enough money to bring Gracie back in the cabin of the plane (she slept on our lap the entire way), replace the carrier we borrowed from a kind woman by the name of Ingrid Bergman (you can’t make this stuff up!), cover her vet visit in Vieques and her upcoming spay surgery and booster shots.
If it all works out as planned, we will also have $15o to split between two shelters in San Juan who need it very badly.
The video below is from Gracie’s first night at the W Hotel (from the beach to the W Hotel and NYC in under one week!). Click here if you don’t see the video below. Gracie was with me for a while and now she’s with Sharon and we’re keeping our fingers crossed that her cats fall in love with Gracie (or at least tolerate her!).
Oh, and here’s the cat photo I originally thought I’d be sharing with everyone upon my return. The resident W Hotel cat who doesn’t seem to have a name. A super friendly girl (?) who has the cutest tongue curl I’ve ever seen!

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