Now that we’ve got your 4-legged friends covered with our Tipsy Nip giveaway (you have until 12/12 to enter!), it’s time for the 2-leggeds.
According to recent research findings cat owners were found to be less social, more introverted and more neurotic than their dog-loving counterparts. And since our pets tend to be indoor animals considered less social as well, it can only mean we spend nights in our rented apartments (more research findings) talking to our cats and drinking copious amounts of wine to ease our neurosis, right? Particularly during the holidays.
The folks at The California Wine Club must agree with this hypothesis as they asked me to test-drive their Premier Club wine-by-the-month gift membership (read on to enter for a free month of wine and a discount code so you can share the gift of wine this holiday season!).
Living in NYC wine delivery is just a phone call away seven days a week. Now, one lucky I HAVE CAT reader will experience the joys of wine home delivery with a ONE MONTH membership to The California Wine Club Premier Membership (2 bottles = $50 value). Entry details at the end of this post.
While I love my local wine store and their resident cat Jack (who sees the vet regularly and is on a prescription weight-loss diet) I don’t rely on them to expand my knowledge of wines. This is where a wine club can help out.
Bruce and Pam Boring, who started The California Wine Club 20 years ago, travel California wine country monthly with their son Jon to meet wine makers and find wines to share with their members – some of which never make it into national distribution due to their limited runs. Not convinced? Jennifer Garner and Justin Timberlake are both huge fans (not sure if this helps or hurts but figured it was worth mentioning!).
By signing up, you – or a lucky friend – will receive two bottles of wine monthly (one red, one white) with tasting notes and a satisfaction guarantee. If you don’t like a wine after trying it you don’t have to pay for it. So take advantage of the 10% discount being offered to all I HAVE CAT fans through 1/31/12 by using the promo code ihavecat at checkout!
To enter the 1-month Premier Win Club giveaway:
- Leave a comment telling us about your favorite kind of wine: California? Red? Pinot Gris? Whatever is in your glass or on sale?
- Comment must be left before 5pm EST 12/9. Winner will be chosen using and announced on 12/10.
- You must be of legal drinking age (proof in the form of an official state or country ID may be requested before release of prize).
- Anyone save residents of Utah or Canada (sorry!) is eligible to enter.
NOTE: While I receive the wine I review free of charge, I am not compensated by The California Wine Club in any other way.

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