I couldn’t let the day pass without taking the time to proclaim gratitude for all I am blessed with in my life. In addition to good health I’m most thankful for my two and four-legged family members and my amazing circle of friends. Both those I’ve had in my life for years, and those I’ve made recently through the animal-loving community.
I’m heartened to find such a large group of people who, despite our differences – religious, cultural, political etc – are able to unite over our common love of animals. Though we haven’t met in the flesh, we understand each other in ways people in our daily lives may not.
Together we do small things that make a big impact to a single animal or person be it coordinating animal transportation, raising funds via ChipIns or being there for emotional support through a single Facebook post.
I’ve written in the past about my journey from carnivore to pescatarian (I eat fish but no meat or poultry) and on-going flirtation with vegan. Last month I attended my first ThanksLiving at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary.
It’s a vegan version of a traditional Thanksgiving meal where turkeys are served dinner rather than being it. I attended it with seven other animal-lovers – only one of them vegan – four of whom I met through the online animal community (including Kim Clune of This One Wild Thing, Lola The Rescue Cat’s Mom and local NYC animal advocate Lisa Alexander).
So I thought I’d share a few photos from that wonderful sunny crisp day where I played with the goats, hugged a turkey (yes that was after a few glasses of wine) and had a lovely day with friends both old and new bonded by our love for our 4-legged friends.
Happy ThanksGIVING and ThanksLIVING to you and your family (be they 2 or 4-legged!)! Love, Tamar, Kip, Petie, Haddie (and just for now Gracie too)

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