Today’s cat loving woman is a far cry from the “Crazy Cat Lady” stereo type of yesteryear. You’ve heard of Cat Man Monday, well today I’m excited to announce our first ever Cat Woman Wednesday featuring Tasha, a sexy kick ass pecatarian who’s cat loving fiance was recently featured on I HAVE CAT.

Tasha with her kitty doppelgänger Kalimah
As a child, my parents weren’t too fond of any animal you couldn’t eat. I had chickens as pets and unfortunately, they were consumed sooner or later (God rest your souls Molly, Holly and Ma Fu Yi). I always wanted a dog and found myself jealous of friends or other kids who had pets that lived in doors and were allowed to sleep in their rooms.
One sweltering summer day my sisters and I were playing volleyball when we kept hearing this little meow between hits. We followed the sound and what we discovered sent us into awe-overload. It was a tiny black tabby no more than 8 weeks old.
When we lifted the well house he ran off. My sister called for him, but he kept going. Then I called for him. By now he was about an acre away. To our surprise, he came charging back towards me. He came right up to me and simultaneously panted and purred. He was the most adorable little fur face. I was in love. He adopted me. I named him Daigoro (which means “Spiritual Light” in Japanese).

Tasha holding Daigoro
Unfortunately, a year later, when I went out-of-town and he stayed with my stepmom, he slipped out the door and went missing for almost a week. They looked for him, but to no avail. The moment I landed, I rushed to find him. The second he heard my voice, he came running out of the bushes. I was elated, but he had gotten so thin and dirty. I feared the worst.
A few weeks later, Daigoro got really sick. I took him to the vet. His vet concluded he contracted feline leukemia; probability was from a cat fight with an infected cat during the time he was gone. I had to make a choice: put him down or put him through treatment. At the time, I was with someone who didn’t care for animals and didn’t support my choice of putting him through treatment. I worked part-time and went to school. Emotionally and financially, I couldn’t help Daigoro.
With a heavy heart, I let him go. It shattered my heart into a million tiny pieces; so small that I felt as if it were turned into dust and scattered waywardly into a dark abyss. After I signed the authorization to put him down, I sat in my car and sobbed for almost an hour. Daigoro passed on the day of my niece’s 1st birthday. She’s now 14. I miss him and think about him every July 18th. It’s the hardest day of the year for me. I love him so; still do with all my being.
Daigoro got me through the worst time in my life; when I was at my lowest. He loved me regardless of what I did. He never left my side when I was sick. He relished in my happiness. We spent a lot of time walking in the woods together. He never wandered off unless I gave him permission. He was my champion. I never knew such a love could exist until him. Ever since, I’ve loved cats.
In the 10 years I lived in North Carolina (before moving back to my hometown in MN), I rescued and placed into forever homes 8 dogs and 5 cats. They were mostly strays and abandoned animals. For those whom I couldn’t find a home, they lived out their lives with me. I made sure they had all they wanted/needed.
I truly believe I owe it to my Daigoro and all the wonderful cats and dogs that came into my life for being the person I am today. They taught me so much about friendship and love; more so than most people I’ve met.
Now, I share my life with a loving, vibrant, smart and diva-esque feline fatale Kalimah Anuksunamun Thurston. She’s my Queen Kalimah and Princess Butternut. The nickname I’ve given her is Nong-Ni. Kalimah drinks only Evian water because for some inexplicable reason, it cleared up the sores she used to have on the corners of her mouth.
She runs our home. Breakfast must be served before 8am and she prefers to have her dinner when we have ours. A brushing or some face-time (sometimes both) must come after every meal. Every “Caturday” Kalimah’s daddy plays in his weekend poker tournaments while Kalimah and I spend time reading before we have brunch. Sometimes, we’d take a stroll at a nearby park, prepare a meal for her daddy, or watch movies and just veg out on the couch.
I always make it a point to have at least 20 minutes face-time with my girl twice a day. I also make it a point let her experience moments with as many people as possible when we’re out and about. She’s very social and is always eager to meet new faces. She’s also very cultured. We like to take her to outdoor art shows, concerts, and the farmers markets. Having a cat stroller has been a godsend. She loves it and her happiness is a priority above all else. Without her, my nights would be sleepless and my days empty. I’m sure her daddy agrees as well.
People often ask me why I love cats. I love them for their self-sufficiency, tenacity, and intelligence. They’re watchers and learners; processing and learning on their own terms and time. I’ve never met a cat I had to train. You show them once or twice and they get the hang of it.
My mother believes my great love of cats is a result of a past life existence in which I was once a cat myself; perhaps one that lived in a royal castle and was treated as a queen. Due to that, I now have to return the favor to other cats who were possibly my loyal subjects. Whatever the reason, I’m blessed beyond belief to have such a poignant and special bond with these wondrous beings.
This year, I finally commemorated Daigoro’s memory with a tattoo of a cat on my right ankle; resembling him for he shall always walk with me and I shall always walk with cats. I also have Kalimah’s name tattooed on my back to celebrate her one-yr. adoption anniversary in 2009.
Aside from my wonderful fiance who is a tremendously fantastic cat dad, Daigoro and Kalimah are the loves of my life. Whatever I may have done in my past life to deserve such beauty and love, I’m gracious to be truly blessed at this moment… the present… a gift indeed.
If you (like me) are uncertain about permanent tats, CAT-TOOS are a great way to let the world you know you’re a proud cat mom or dad without the commitment. You might enjoy them so much you decided to take the plunge!

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