Today’s Cat Man Monday was submitted by Tasha, a kick-ass cat-tattooed cat woman who’s a pescatarian just like me. Expect a post about Tasha in the very near future, but in the meantime check out her food KatFoodAndLove.
My fiance, Thurst, was never a cat man until our little sweet fur baby girl, Kalimah, came to live with us. Previous experiences with cats, didn’t go well with Thurst; therefore he thought all cats hissed and scratched.
Before we adopted her, we spent a year planning and preparing; emotionally, mentally, physically and financially. It was like planning for a baby. Well, she is our baby.
He had many reservations, but after a year of exposing him to cat shows, reading Cat Fancy, watching cats specials on Animal Planet, and enjoying time with cats online… he slowly became a cat man. Kalimah just sealed the deal – despite trying to suffocate him every morning for a whole month.
Now, Thurst can’t bear to be apart from Kalimah. Whenever we go out for a few hours, he always wants to be the first one at the door so he’d be the first to see her. Thurst calls Kalimah “fur face.” He refers her as his daughter and he spoils her with both love, affection and presents. Her birthday’s coming up Sept. 1st, which she will turn 6 yrs. old and he’s in turmoil trying to find her the perfect present.
Thurst plays poker for a living, so he makes his own hours. He spends a lot of time with Kalimah. He’s given up numerous trips over the last 3 yrs. just so he can babysit her. He trusts no one around her and we both don’t believe in boarding our baby in an unfamiliar place. It’s too stressful for her.
They’re like peas and carrots; chips and beer. She prefers to sleep next to him when we’re having family movie night and if we’re in separate rooms, she’d usually pick him to hang out with. I always joke that Kalimah might think Thurst is a just a big cat because he spends a lot time at home with her while I’m gone and they cuddle often. When I get home, I’d feed both of them.
Thurst is completely in love with our wonderful little furry princess. I’m so glad that a man who once thought cats were freaky and strange has grown to love and adore a kitty so much.
He’s even told me that if God and the poker gods would bless him with a big win at the World Series of Poker, he wants to open a cat sanctuary. As for now, we donates to many companion animal shelters and charity drive and also sponsor a kitty, Sir Lancelot, who lives at the Cat House on the Kings.
I’m glad to have a met a man who has become a cat man. That’s the best kind of man.
PS – Look at the cupcakes Tasha, Kalimah’s Mom, made for her. Wonder what Thurst is going to get her!

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