There’s a saying “Cats are like potato chips – you can’t have just one.” I didn’t set out to become the head of a single-parent-multiple-pet family. It just kind of happened.
Kip was planned, but I was guilted into adopting Petie, and Haddie was a permanent foster who became official this past January after a year and a half of illegitimacy.
I’m not quite the Angelina Jolie of single pet motherhood, but still. While unscientific studies suggest three is the animal tipping point (cats or dogs) there are advantages to living in multiple pet household.
10 – More color options for crafting with cat hair (yes that’s a $220 necklace made of cat hair above).
9 – There’s always one within arms reach (theoretically).
8 – Cleaner cats.
7 – It’s like watching Animal Kingdom court side (who needs TV?!)
6 – They learn the importance of team work (to make you believe you’re losing your mind aka. hiding an avocado under your bed, one flight up from the kitchen).
5 – Endless Kodak moments.
4 – Early warning detection system (for when the carrier’s out and it’s time for the vet!)
3 – They force you to use your imagination and become flexible in order to sleep in your own bed.
2 – They each give you a special gift (Kip lets me play with the webs between his toes, Haddie with her belly and Petie gives me special loving time).
1 – Having a complete set of weights for working out (Click here to view my instructional catflexing video)
Leave a comment and tell us why you think it’s better to have more than one pet (cat or dog!).
This post is sponsored by the Pets Add Life campaign and the American Pet Products Association. The Pets Add Live campaign spreads the word about the benefits and joys of pet ownership. Visit PAL’s Facebook Page, post pictures of your pets, and join the conversation!
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73 Responses to Top 10 Reasons More Cats Are Better Than One