As Animal Planet’s Must Love Cats wraps up their first season, I HAVE CAT sat down with popular host John Fulton (albeit virtually) for an exclusive interview. And yes, we asked the one question on every unmarried cat lady’s mind.
John’s not only a talented and handsome cat lover, he also has a great sense of humor (at least we hope that’s what it is). While we wait to hear if Must Love Cats has been picked up for a second season, be sure to follow John on Twitter @johnfulton.
In your travels have you found that the crazy cat lady stereo type is a reality? Crazy cat lady? never heard the term!
Are there any stereotypes about cats you find true or untrue? A common stereotype is that a cat chooses you and I found that out to be mostly true. A lot of the stories I heard started with “so this cat just walked into my life.”Everyone loves to say cats are “independent” and that’s not always true cause certain types of cats love to be with people and they certainly depend on their owner for love and especially food.
What about stereotypes of cat people? Of course the “crazy cat lady” is a common theme but the women I met who had a lot of cats weren’t crazy at all, they just really love animals. Also, the few places I visited that had hundreds of cats were outside and the cats were very well taken care of and they adopted out many cats.
So, is the most famous cat loving guy a free agent, or is he taken? I’m taken by my girl and the kitties.
I believe you have two Maine Coon cats. Can you tell us a little bit about them? Billie Holiday and Betty Davis were rescues and they are both females. As kittens, they looked like Maine Coons but the vet now says that they are probably domestic short hairs with a touch of Norwegian forest cat. I’ve had them for about 4 months.
Do your cats have any special talents or do anything particularly funny or cute? Actually, they are not the biggest fans of me so they don’t show me their tricks but when “Must Love Cats” comes on, they enjoy watching it.
Who takes care of your cats when you are traveling for the show? The cats are at my girlfriends place. She takes care of them when I’m gone.
When you met Paul Klusmanp and TJ Wingard of “An Engineer’s Guide to Cats” fame you learned their internet popularity has led to quite a few marriage proposals. Have you noticed increased attention from females yourself. I mostly get very nice people saying very nice things to me. Once in a while someone will let me know how much they don’t like me which I think is great cause I don’t always like myself.
Has it led to any awkward, funny or scary incidents? Nothing too serious yet although there is a person outside my window with a sign that says “John Fulton can’t sing.” I just called the police.
Any marriage proposals thus far? About 5 and I said yes to all of them.
Has your love of cats ever been a deterrent in meeting women or maintaining a relationship? I’ve only dated women with over 12 cats. It’s never been a problem.
Is there a specific animal/cat cause that is close to your heart. I support Kitty Bungalow because they helped me find my two cats. North Shore Animal League of America is fantastic too because they are the largest no kill animal rescue and adoption in the US.
Do you have any questions you’d like to ask IHC readers? If they have a story for MLC’s 2nd season (if we get picked up).
And lastly, have you ever owned a dog? Your secret is safe with us.
When I was real young I had a dog named Charow. He was a cool dog but my cats were cooler.

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