Three lucky IHC readers have won a severed leg for their cat (s). They are:
- Arlene who wrote “I know my two would love to sink their teeth into a severed leg …. they are constantly doing it to my fingers and toes!!!” will receive a red daisy leg.
- chin wan also won a red daisy leg for her seven cats in Singapore – “joanne, jane, jill, johnny, jay boy, jasmine & capu.”
- Leann rogers ‘s four girls – Nerant, Bayla, Little LuLu and Miss Kitty – will have a leaping lizards leg to bite into. I particularly love the fact she has senior cats (20 and 16).
I really wish everyone could have won a leg, but don’t despair, we will have another giveaway soon. Wanted to share some of the more entertaining entries I received.
- Tina Renee – My Percy would appreciate the Paternity Test because he’s never known his real father and this angers him. He usually takes his frustration out on my couch so this severed leg would be greatly appreciated!
- Tiny Timmy – I likes da Leaping Lizards pattern cuz I is learning to leapsing goodly maiself!!! I think it wills inspires mes to takes mai leapsing to a whole news dimension!
- Jackson Stilgenbauer – Paternity test. Why because it’s a severed leg NAMED paternity test! Really what’s not to like. (Pssst! My cats holding me hostage. She says she gets one of these severed legs or she’s taking mine! HELP!)
- Gris – Great!!!! If Lupe got a leg maybe she’d stop bitting my hands and fingers!! We believe the daisies are great, it gives a nice contrast to the bleeding leg in a “pushing dasies” kind of way!
- curator – OK, I’m going to enter this for Elizabeth’s sake. And we prefer “Paternity Test.” Why? Because Elizabeth was rescued with 2 siblings from a nasty abandoned garbage-filled garage when she was 4 weeks old. She’s my stripey tiger princess, but who’s her daddy?
- jo – mine would like Paternity Test simply because they hate my sons dad lol and well paternity is for dads…
- Anonymous Kitteh– Matthias has informed me he would like the “Paternity test” pattern, since as a “deadbeat dad” he knows all about the paternity tests. (his previous owner did not neuter him, so there’s a few lil’ Matthiases out there)
- Linda Baker – I think my 7 lucky kitties would love to play with the Paternity Test pattern severed leg since there will never be a need for any other type of paternity test with these neutered guys and girls!
- geralyn mott – i is using G’s mashine wile she naps. i wood really like the pader…patur… test leg, please. and doo youze have any KITTY severed legs. i tink it wood be a good mezzage for the 2 kittens i haz to live wit. juzt an idear.
Thanks again to Karen from “Life With Tigers” for this generous giveaway!

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