Today is the reason I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions. And by today I mean December 31st of any year. It’s the day you’re forced to remember what you resolved to do 12 months ago and be accountable.
In my case, I made two rather public resolutions* last year, so there’s no escaping them. Tamar’s 2010 resolutions: 1) Talk to people more rather than text/tweet/email/facebook etc, 2) Meet non-furry, two-legged, single straight men.

Reflecting back on my 2010 resolutions (okay, maybe not exactly...)
I have to ask myself, did i keep my resolutions?
According to, the word resolution is defined as being “a formal expression of opinion…a firmness of purpose.” Synonyms are “determination, perseverance, tenacity, strength, fortitude,” This only RESOLVES my dislike of resolutions.
Why so emphatic? To have kept my resolutions was I to wake each morning prepared for battle, with a renewed sense of fortitude and determination about meeting a two – or one – legged man? That’s not exactly setting a person up for success now is it?
Why can’t it be enough to try. Or to just do better than last year? What about New Year’s Endeavors or New Year’s Betterments?
Tonight, instead of making resolutions I will proclaim New Year’s Refinements! A refinement is a cultivation, a purification, a fine-tuning. It implies depth… thoughtfulness. Antonyms are “dirtying, corruption, pollution, crudeness.” I mean, unless you go to hell in a hand basket we can be successful in refining ourselves throughout the year can’t we?
Now what will those refinements be I’m not quite sure. And did I indeed “keep” my 2010 resolutions? I’m running late to my NEW YEAR’S EVEN PARTY so I’ll have to get back to you on those, sorry!

These three happy campers wish you a HAPPY MEW YEAR (Haddie, Kip and Petie)
May you all have a wonderful, safe evening and a healthy and happy NEW YEAR filled with many felines and feline lovers! Thanks to each of you for your on-going support of I HAVE CAT.
Tamar, Kip, Petie and yes…Haddie too.
*this is how I signed off last year’s 12/31 post “Love T, Kip, Petey (and even little foster Haddie!).” I think she is mine under common law by this time!

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