Still haven’t purchased a gift for the animal lover in your family? Do not fear I HAVE CAT is here to help! There’s still time to give the gift of kitty sponsorship.
Tabby’s Place is a cage-free sanctuary in New Jersey providing a second chance for death-row cats pulled mostly from public shelters. Tabby’s Place is an adoption center, a hospital and a hospice providing palliative care and a warm, loving environment for chronically or terminally ill cats to live out their lives in comfort.
Many of the resident cats have conditions requiring extra care and attention – FIV+, spinal injuries, diabetes, heart conditions, blindness etc. You can pick the cat you’d like to sponsor in someone’s name along with the $ amount and # of months of your sponsorship. The recepiant of your gift will receive monthly updates on the kitty you sponsored in their name!
Check out Geoff and Nuttin below, two special needs kitties who require extra medical care (they remind me of Kip and Petie!)
Tabby’s Place is a 501 c3 charity started by Jonathan Rosenberg and his wife in honor of their cat Tabby who passed away from cancer in September of 1999 (four months after diagnosis). Currently made up of one building designed to accommodate 95 cats, their vision is to expand into an 8 acre facility able to house 400 cats.
I’ve been meaning to make the trip out to Tabby’s Place in person for a while now. One of my New Years resolutions is to check it out in 2011 – I can’t wait!

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