Maybe the person your shopping for this holiday doesn’t have pets, doesn’t like animal-themed items (I can relate to that), or (gasp) isn’t an animal lover. You can still get them beautiful handmade gifts that give back to animals (they’ll never even know!).
The artists listed below donate a percentage of proceeds to help less fortunate animals. Let’s support artists and business people with a conscious and not just make stockholders rich this holiday season!
If you have a friend who loves statement jewelry, these vibrant, handmade necklaces and bracelets are just the thing! Fabric flowers, vintage Swarovski Crystals and semi-precious stones are combined to create truly one of a kind pieces.
Yajaira, the artist behind La Vieja Tun Tun has two lovely pets: Piña, a five year old RES turtle and Peanut, a one and a half year old tuxedo cat.It’s her love of animals that’s been her main motivation for adhering to a vegetarian diet since age 12 (she’s also been a vegan for the last 6yrs). 5% of proceeds from all her sales go to the EFA (Etsy for Animals) charity of the month.

100% of the $25 from the sale of each of these two 8×10 prints will go to The Humane Society of the United States
Amanda Laurel Atkins is a young artist and writer residing in the Boston area. Her greatest loves include animals, her family and friends, trees,
walks to strange and secret places, notebooks, good books, and, of course, painting and writing.
Just for us she has put two of her prints up for sale with 100% of proceeds going to the Human Society of the United States – and she is throwing in FREE SHIPPING! Can’t beat that!
JenEcklund Designs epitomizes the California lifestyle: laid-back, chic, modern, original, with a touch of glamour.
Each piece of jewelry is meticulously designed and handcrafted using a broad array of components – vintage pendants, sterling silver, 14k gold fill, oxidized chain, suede, semi-precious gemstones, and wood beads.
Jen supports the Humane Society and donates anywhere from 5-10% of proceeds towards animal related causes.
She is the proud parent of 2 girls–Bijou, a rescued cat and Sophie, a Japanese Chin dog.
Michelle is a vegan artist and teacher with a BFA in painting and Masters in Teaching from the Rhode Island School of Art and Design. Her artwork and jewelry are inspired by her love of animals and nature. 10% of sales from Cards and Jewelry by Michelle go to the EFA Charity of the Month or the Tel Aviv SPCA.
Deborah, the founder of Amaniworks, is very interested in animal rights, and has been vegan since 2008. Currently she shares her home with a host of rescued animals including 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and a fish.
In her shop you will find unique handcrafted earrings and necklaces made from glass, semi-precious gemstones, and metal charms as well as one-of-a-kind vegan hand-knit scarves. 10% of all proceeds go to charities helping animals and the environment. If you purchase 3 items from this shop, shipping to the US and Canada is free of charge!
Michabella is the brain child of Michelle, mom to a 5yr old who has a B.A. in visual and apparel merchandising.
Creating jewelry is her new passion and helps keep her creativity alive. We love Michelle because she has a cat and a dog and admits that when she is not designing or buying beads, she enjoys cooking and is hopelessly addicted to bad reality TV!

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