Just in time for the holiday season, I HAVE CAT’s cat-lovers gift guide. Every single artist or company listed here either donates a percent of proceeds or their products to animal causes or cares for abandoned or feral animals. And all of them love cats (some even like and dogs!). So do some holiday shopping for a good cause!
I hope you enjoy this round-up and please let us know about any other artists/companies we’ve left out. Stay tuned for Friday’s post featuring non-animal themed gift ideas that still give back to the kitties.
Sebastiano Ranchetti & Laura Ottina live in the Florentine countryside with three teenage daughters, a cat and a dog. In addition to art directing editorials, designing t-shirts and illustrating children books they create and sell these modern animal prints ($14-$40) at Animals in Color . 10% if the sales from items carrying the Etsy for Animals (EFA) badge are donated to a different animal charity each month.
Foster kittens are lots of work, but as Dana Hadder Gillikin has found out, they also make adorable models! Dana lives with her husband, a black lab named Dixie, and several rescued cats and fosters in North Carolina. 10% of proceeds from the whimsical photographs, cards and prints sold by “Creek Art“ go to the Beaufort Community Cat Project in NC (a volunteer organization advocating TNR). Anything left over goes to caring for community cats that like to chill on her porch. Smart kitties!
If your friends and family aren’t into photos or paintings of cats but enjoy innovative photography, “Cat Cam“ ($19.95) is the perfect coffee table book for them! Cooper is a 5 year old American Shorthair cat living in Seattle. Once a week he wears a lightweight digital camera fastened to his collar, which snaps a new photo every 2 minutes.
Cooper’s photos are never altered or retouched (this cat takes better photos than most humans!). A portion of proceeds from the sale of each book go to Progressive Animal Welfare Society (PAWS). I need to put my kitties to work!
Little Kittysville is the place to buy a cat bed for the fashion-forward cat (or cat owner). These beds are designed by a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Design in LA whose “lifelong collection of remarkable retro fabrics is matched only by a lifelong devotion to a collection of remarkable rescued and formerly feral cats.”
In fact, Like Kittysville is really a reference to her own home! A portion of all proceeds go to care for feral cats who live around the designers home (spay/neuter/food etc).
Even if a pet is microchipped, a collar and tag are critical in finding lost pets quickly (this includes indoor cats!). Your cat or dog could be taken in by an unsuspecting good samaritan (it happens all the time). BlanketID is better than a regular tag and not just because they come in an array of cool colors and patterns.
Once you report your pet missing, a broadcast email to local SPCA, animal hospitals, shelters & other local blanketID members so everybody has 24/7 access to a full description and photos of your lost pet.
For every tag registered and membership purchased, money is donated to the Blanket Fund for Animals. The cost of the tag ($24.99) includes the first year of service for free ($11.99/yr after that).
Daniela Caride’s great pet blog The Daily Tail now includes an online boutique with great gifts for cat and dog lovers alike (fashionable collars, t-shirts and more).
Not only is Daniela the proud mommy of three dogs and four cats, she also donates 5% of annual profits between three charities involved in saving and protecting animals (visitors to her site can help decide which charities will receive the funding).
If you are a cat lover then you probably know about Moderncat the blog, but do you know about Moderncat Studio? At this online Etsy store you’ll find only the hippest in pet accoutrement – scratching posts, toys, beds and even cat-themed cards and artwork.
Each month, a different cat-related charity is selected to receive 5% of the total sales for that month. November 2010 charity: Altered Tails, a not-for-profit spay/neuter clinic in Phoenix, AZ.
Do you have a pet owning friend who supports fair trade, organic farming, made in the U.S.A products, and reducing the carbon footprint? Purrfect Play delivers on all fronts. They even have vegan products as well as gifts for dogs and humans! The founder’s best friend growing up was her cat, Licorice. She now lives in NW Indiana with her husband, four cats and newly adopted dog, Oliver. 5% of the company’s annual sales is “gratefully shared with rescues.”
You can’t argue with Catty Stack’s slogan “Because Cats Love Boxes.” But these are boxes you won’t mind leaving out in plain sight of your in-laws. Buy two or twenty, you design the configuration that works best for your space. The boxes are made from industrial strength cardboard, come in a variety of colors, and are super easy to assemble. And now through Friday, they’re on sale ($12.99/box!).
But the real reason we love Catty Stacks is because they’ve donated hundreds of boxes to shelters all over the country so rescue animals have a fun place to play or to just hang out where they feel safe.
While I’m not a fan of dressing cats, I had to share this photo of Cheddar from last weekend’s Westchester Cat Show fashion show. I promise Cheddar was not distressed by the get-up and even made two costume changes. No way would my cats tolerate this for a minute!

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