As Heidi Klum says on Project Runway, “One day you’re in, the next day you’re out.” According to Us Weekly guys with cats – along with pre-dating and mash-up lit (huh?) – are IN.”
Jane McCulley, Animal Planet pet trendologist (cool job!) says “Cats used to be considered girlie pets. Now men cat-owners are loud and proud about their feline friends. There are even websites like Cute Boys With Cats.”
Of course this isn’t news to us – refer to “Wanted: A Man Who Loves Pussy (cats)” and our very own post about “Cute Boys With Cats” – but it’s good to see the general population catching up.
Hopefully the fact that “Lawns” and “Hailing Cabs” made the “OUT” list will not completely discredit this source (oh wait, it’s Us Weekly!).
On another note, I have my first personal training session tonight! Petie’s weight-loss regime will have to commence after the kittens are adopted I fear. Too hard to manage his eating and still make sure the little tykes get all the food they need (and they need a lot!).
And stay tuned for photos and stories from my trip to WOODSTOCK FARM ANIMAL SANCTUARY!

"In" "Out" list in its entirety

23 Responses to Male Cat-Owners “In”