Thanks to the worldwide information highway (had to get that in there!) I’ve had the pleasure of “meeting” pet-loving bloggers like Daniela Caride of “The Daily Tail.” On her recent trip back home to Brazil she was actually inspired (by me?!) to write the post before you today. Enjoy!
By Daniela Caride*
I love Tamar’s stories about being a single Manhattanite who has cats and a desire to find a feline-loving soul mate. I cheer at every new guy she meets, hoping he’s the one — a guy who doesn’t mind the fur flying, scattered litter or loud purring at 3 a.m. (not Tamar, the cats).
Tamar’s writing is addictive for an incurable romantic like me, who has spent more time watching “Pride and Prejudice” than brushing my teeth. And since I’m happily married to my lifelong friend Martin, I occupy my time finding mates for other people.

Tamar and Adrien chilling on their yacht.
Last week, I went to Rio de Janeiro to visit my family, and I found myself matchmaking on behalf of Tamar. Almost as soon as I boarded my flight, my pet obsession and cupid instincts kicked in.
I hate flying, so it was a pleasant surprise that I got a window seat in an emergency exit row with only two seats. With more room for my feet and only one passenger to jump over to get to the loo, I wouldn’t be so miserable during the long night.
Soon after I settled in, a 6-foot tall man in his 30’s sat beside me. His pale skin, long nose and dark green eyes reminded me of Adrien Brody. The guy was handsome.
I couldn’t help chuckling, wishing I could perform a miracle and put Tamar in my place. She would sit beside the man with green eyes and chat with him about life, love and cats, while I would enjoy an exquisite week vacation in Manhattan.
I had a hunch Tamar and this guy would be a good match. And with a bit more information, I could probably set up a blind date. (Of course, I would demand to be a bridesmaid when they got married).
But even before the plane took off, I realized reaching out to him wouldn’t be so easy. This Adonis was as distant as he was handsome. He settled in his seat and made no eye contact with anybody, giving me no opportunity to scrutinize him on behalf of Tamar. He didn’t read a book, watch the movie or go to the bathroom. And soon my eyes became too heavy, and I was dragged into a dreamless sleep.
In the morning, the attendant brought us breakfast, but the guy kept his eyes shut, food untouched. I was almost sure he was dead and thought I should poke him, but he finally woke up and headed to the bathroom. When he came back, he asked me for my pen to fill out his immigration forms. And we finally engaged in a conversation that revealed the impossibility of a match with Tamar.
1. He travels the U.S. speaking at conferences –Sounds important but does this mean he has no interest in settling down? And how do Tamar’s cats feel about travel?
2. He lives in Seattle – While she may move for love, did this mean he was an outdoorsy/camping kind of guy? If Aidan and Carrie set any precedent, this wasn’t going to end well.
3. As a dog lover, he plans to get a dog, probably a Lab, as soon as he settles down. No E.T.A. for that either because of his constant trips. – This could go either way, we know Tamar is open to dogs (see “Late Nights, Celebrity, Intrigue” or “Cats: the Gateway Animal“), but would he be open to cats? And how would “settling down” happen if he was always traveling?
4. His job is talking to people about retirement plans –Booooring!
5. Worst of all, he was going to Rio to spend a month with his Brazilian girlfriend –Probably a sun-tanned brunette sexier than Angelina Jolie. Bummer.
He could certainly date Tamar if he only didn’t have his job, his love life, his home and his imaginary Lab. So basically – a totally different guy!
But I didn’t give up on my hopes of finding Tamar a promising soul mate. A week later, I boarded the plane back to the U.S. Once more, I was sitting in a window seat in an emergency exit row (a good omen?). I patiently waited for my neighbor passenger.
Along came a tall, olive-skinned man in his 40’s, wearing a long sleeve gray shirt that didn’t hide his massive chest. He was shorter than my previous seatmate, but his dark eyes contrasted nicely with his short salt and pepper hair – he resembled George Clooney. And I noticed he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.
I was sure he would be a great match for Tamar.Speaking in Portuguese, the man greeted me politely with a toothpaste-commercial smile before sitting beside me. He was polite and extroverted.
And he looked like the perfect male cat owner — sure of himself, not afraid of being laughed at because he loved to cuddle with a fur ball at night (a cat, not Tamar). He started talking to me as soon as he sat, commenting on the seats that didn’t recline enough, asking about the movie and making friends with the attendants.
I pictured Tamar and him on a sunny Brazilian beach, sipping a caipirinha with two straws and a yellow paper umbrella. Then one of the attendants whispered to him, and he got up. He asked me if I would mind if he moved to one of the two empty seats in front of us.
Maybe next year, when I fly to Rio again, I’ll be better at matchmaking. Until then, I recommend that Tamar secure a seat in the emergency exit row when she flies. They seem to attract handsome men. And with a bit of luck, they might be as crazy as we, cat ladies, are about cats and love stories.
*Daniela Caride is the publisher of The Daily Tail (, a blog about pets with stories, tips, and reviews. She lives with four cats, Crosby, Gaijin, Graffiti and Phoenix; three dogs, Frieda, Geppetto and Lola; and her husband, Martin, in Cambridge, MA.

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