With the number of cat related blogs and websites growing by the day (possibly minute) sifting through them to find what you need can be daunting.
Now thanks to the “10 Top 10 Cat Lists,” an edited list of the cat-world’s top 100 resources can be found in one place – best shopping, art, free stuff etc.
In fact, you can even find the top 10 cat communities like Love Meow, Catster and… I Have Cat(s)!?! We are honored to be in the company of such well-known sites! Maybe next edition we’ll make it into the humor category!
And because this project was inspired by Mickey Blue Eyes – rescued at 3 months of age from an icy mud puddle under a wood pile – 50% of each sale goes to fund animal rescue organizations (different ones each month).
How cool is that? For under $10 you get a great resource and help a worthy cause at the same time! You can learn about how the charities are selected and even nominate a charity of your choice (they must be a 501c organization).

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