Today’s post written by my friend Joyce, an art director and holistic health coach in NYC.
It’s not difficult to see how the economy has affected the amount of abandoned kitties out there in need of a home. It became something I related to personally when I found myself out of a job, looking for work in one of the worst economies in history.
I couldn’t help but feel for Calamity, a 12-year-old cat who was abandoned by her “person” in favor of a dog his new girlfriend’s son wanted, and subsequently, got. I took Calamity in, hoping she would become a treasured playmate to Pumpernickel, my resident rescue, who’s been through her own calamities prior to my adopting her (I’m told her previous owner was murdered!).
It didn’t work out as well as I had hoped. Calamity is not so fond of Pumpernickel and vice versa. But the real problem is despite my fierce denial to the contrary I am allergic to her. Calamity is very affectionate, which I enjoy immensely (Pumpernickel not so much) but when you’re allergic, a clingy cat can be the kiss of death.
I realize she’s no spring chicken but I was surprised at how difficult it has been finding a home for Calamity. I thought for sure she would get adopted before too long. She is stunningly beautiful, with her long, white, caramel and black spotted coat and striking green eyes. But sadly, despite lots of networking and online posts, I’ve had no takers.

I love cuddling!
As I comfort her and let her know she’s safe and loved (kiss, kiss, ah…choo!), I couldn’t help but notice the parallel as I tried to find work in the world of advertising. I’ve had a long and successful career as an Art Director with some of the biggest, most respected advertising agencies in the world, but like Calamity, I’m having a hard time getting placed.
We all know there are cut backs everywhere these days and people aren’t putting themselves out, for kitty and employee alike. But we’re both such great catches! Well-groomed, plays nicely with others. Anyone would be lucky to have us. There are just too many of us who need good “homes.”
I used to volunteer for a NYC shelter called Bide-a-Wee. Every time I would go in and look at the kitties I was confounded at the amount of beautiful, healthy, sweet, deserving cats that were there looking for a home. How could that be? Who wouldn’t want them? So wonderful. So much to give. Each adoring face looking up with pleading eyes, begging for understanding of their particular plight. Here I am, but for the cage, in the same position.
I realize Calamity and I are only one story in a million during these times. I know many readers out there are in my same boat and I take comfort in that. We are, nonetheless, both deserving candidates for the right fit. I can only hope things will turn around for us in the near future, but in the meantime, I’m glad we have each other.
UPDATE: Since this story was originally posted, Calamity has found a forever home with a sweet older lady who lives in the West Village. Joyce has been freelancing steadily but is still looking for a full time gig.

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