So many exciting things have happened at I HAVE CAT lately that I felt an update was in order. Don’t worry, just in time for Valentines Day a proper blog entry about my dating life (or lack there of) is forthcoming.
THANK YOU to everyone for continuing to read the blog and following on Facebook and Twitter. Sockington better watch out – a very different grey and white kitty is hot on his tail!
A quick recap:
- As you can tell from my new masthead and FB profile picture, I HAVE CAT has over 2,000 Facebook fans! It all started because I wanted 100 fans by my birthday (January 7th), and look as us now! Thanks to everyone for spreading the word. A special shout-out to GloGirly for designing my celebratory banner and profile pic!
- I HAVE CAT has over 1,000 Twitter followers!
- We had our first-ever product review of the ModKat Litter Box – I HAVE CAT readers get $20 off purchase by using the code “mk20IHAVECAT“ at checkout.
- My last guest post “An Affair of the Heart“, courtesy of GloGirly about her suspicions that her cat Katie was cheating on her was I HAVE CAT’s most popular post to date getting 358 views in just one day!
- “(Cat) astrophic Thinking” my story of losing 3 foster kittens was featured on TheDailyTail and the Naughty Cat Club..
- Wendy’s LOL-Spot featured LOL’d pictures of Petie, Kip and a few of my fosters*
*Mom, if you are reading this I do not have 6 cats I swear it’s a typo!
- I HAVE CAT was included on Mouchois Community Toolbar the ONLY Toolbar to have if you claim to be a cat-lover! Download your free tool bar here.
- Kip and Petie were inducted into “The Naughty Kitten Club.”
- And last but NOT least, I HAVE CAT received The Superior Scribbler Award thanks to Ask Fisher.
I would like to pass the Superior Scribbler Award to (in no particular order):
NOTE: it was REALLY hard to narrow it down and I already cheated by passing it along to 2 more people than I was supposed to! Opps!
- The Daily Tail – a great website that posts about dogs and cats – you’ll always be up-to-date on animal happenings if you subscribe to this blog!
- Mouchois Blog – about Melvin a very lucky teacup Himalayan whose parents warn about the danger involved with having a “custom made” pet.
- Old Cat’s Rule – a blog the celebrates the wonders of the oft overlooked senior cat
- GloGirly – The tails of a cat (Katie) and her girl (Glogirly)
- A Cat Called Freya – rescued Bengal cat learning how to live with her newly adopted brother Tego
- Brian’s Home – A Cat who promotes the adoption of cats like him!
- I is Beethoven – A rescued cat who writes about life in his forever home
Just for Fun!
Wanted to leave you with this video that I got a total kick out of, courtesy of The Onion. How To Put The Spark Back Into Your Relationship With Your Cat

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