“It was a cold and snowy night…” Every year mom my recites this line to me first thing on my birthday. It’s become a running joke, part of my birthday tradition!
You see, in the 2nd grade we must have had some sort of an assignment that required telling the story of our birth day. Maybe they were teaching us about autobiographies. Or baby Jesus – we are talking the Midwest in the late 70s.
The joke? I was born in LA, as my “autobiography” went on to reveal.
Perhaps the teacher didn’t want to hurt my feelings or maybe she didn’t make the connection. Having lived in Minnesota from the age of 5, the possibility of a snow-less birthday was not within my realm of possibility. My parents thought it was hysterical, and still laugh about it every year.
This blog got started in part because I took stock of my life as a single 30-something year old living in Manhattan – with cat(s). Because of this blog I’ve met fellow cat-lovers single or otherwise from Montreal, Minnesota and even “upstate” New York (aka Harlem). I feel very blessed. Thanks to all of you for reading my blog.
I’ll leave you with this card I received from Katie (really Glogirly) who happens to reside in my old stomping grounds, Minnesota.
PS – For the record, it’s a bright and sunny but cold day in New York today. No snow.

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