Whisker+Box Cat Beds

Ban ugly printed cardboard boxes from your home while keeping your cats happy. It’s easy with sleek and stylish Whisker+Box cat beds.

Whisker+Box cat beds are made with an eco-felt core covered in a coated canvas exterior making it sturdy yet flexible enough to fit your kitty comfortably. The coating also makes it easy to wipe them down for cleaning.

Source: Hauspanther

Source: Hauspanther


When assembled the boxes are 12.5″ long x 7.5″ wide x 5.5″ high. Snaps make for easy assembly as well as for taking apart for both cleaning and storage.


Source: TheCatConnection.com


Whisker+Box are can be purchased online from both TheCatConnection.com as well as Hauspanther.com. So send those old boxes to the recycling bin and treat your cats (and yourself) to a stylish alternative!


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