New York City Living

Inspired by a missed opportunity (a very big one in retrospect), I’ve been making an effort to notice and document things that catch my eye during the course of a seemingly ordinary day.

I shared my first New York City Living post back in May of this year. Today I’d like to share the second installment. I hope you enjoy catching some unexpected glimpses of city living through my eyes.


View of Manhattan while at the Renegade Craft Fair this Summer (June 2013)


Cat art on display at the Renegade Craft Fair (June 2013)


A rare sighting of Jack, the resident local wine store cat, waiting for the store to open. Don’t worry, he’s loved dearly and even has prescription food to keep UTIs at bay.  The owners even kept the store open during Hurricane Sandy using a generator so he wouldn’t be alone (well that and to make sure the neighborhood could get their much needed wine supply!)


A salad made before the cold spell with ingredients from the fresh market (everything save the black beans). Those tomatoes were heavenly and I love all the colors!


My neighbors daughter wearing the kitty shoes I got her as a “Thank You” gift for caring after the cats in my absence. Well, her Dad really cared for them, she likes to feed them treats! Every time she sees my apartment door she points and says “Mao!”


Yellow flowers in Madison Square Park growing beside a dead tree (Sept 2013). Don’t they look like they are made out of tissue paper?


A swing/rope artist at an event I attended with my sister at the historic Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn.


The Freedom Tower (though the official name is One World Trade Center)

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