Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!


In all fairness, I didn’t see any tigers or bears on my safari to Tanzania but I did see a ton of lions. And while I’ve written about my trip for various guest posts (Catster, CatWisdom101) I have yet to share photos on my blog.

Jeep Safari Tanzania

Our mode of transportation for two weeks (my sister is on the left)


Since I have so many photos to share I decided to focus on the lions today. All the photos, unless noted otherwise were taken by yours truly!

lion in treecrop

Lake Manyara known for lions lounging in the trees.


sleeping on back lion

Napping after what must have been a pretty big lunch!


lion tongue

Look at that pink tongue!


I adore these photos my sister Mar took of a Mama lion and her baby cub.

mama and baby 2

Someone wants to play! (photo credit: Mar Arslanian)

mama amd baby

Looks like Mommy has had enough rough housing for one day. (photo credit: Mar Arslanian)


As an aside, I learned that the word for Lion in Swahili is actually “simba,” which makes it kind of odd that the lion in The Lion King is named “lion.”

not sharing

Someone isn’t in the sharing mood!


Post Wildebeest snack

Post Wildebeest snack


lion big eyes


lion drinking

lion mom and baby

lion bop


male lion close up

lion prowl

I hope you enjoyed the lion photos – Do you have a favorite?!  I have so many more I can’t wait to share with you!

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