She’s Got Bette Davis Eyes


And not in a good way.

As the resident girl kitty (and the baby of the house at that), Haddie can be a bit of a diva at times. And that’s putting it nicely.

My friend Jenny Sandbank of Little Cub Reiki was at my apartment a few months ago when the fosters Polly and Terri arrived (they’ve since been adopted – yay!).

She's Got Bette Davis Eyes


Haddie took her usual post at the top of the stairs when the “fresh meat” arrived, looking down at them with her pinch-y face.

Jenny looked up at her and could barely stop from laughing at the look on Haddie’s face. She said it reminded her of a scene from a Bette Davis movie.

Later I received the following email from her with this photo attached:


“BTW, I think this was the scene I was thinking of from Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Haddie is being played by Bette Davis. Although Haddie is much, much cuter and sweeter.”


Here’s a screen capture from a video I took on the same day. Haddie thinks she’s being so inconspicuous!


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